Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 21: Ofankor projects|Dodowa Health Mapping

It was Tuesday again and time for our projects in Ofankor & Dodowa. 8:30 am has begun to mean a lot more to me than just start of day in Google office - it means 'if you haven't woken up, you're too late now! Cab to work!' or 'Check daily schedule trix', 'be in a van' or 'prep for presentation.'

Like every Tuesday, 1 team set out for Ofankor & the other to Dodowa for our projects. Gopi, Olivia & I, would start off with women entreprenuer training @ 10 am. Today's lesson plan was budget, daily journal, cost cutting through bulk purchase. After the bumpy ride to Ofankor, Cindy wasn't feeling all too well - so I chipped in & took her class along with Yannic @ Amasaman High School while Gopi & Olivia handled women's training.

I loved the experience at the school as I love working with children. They were mostly held back 'coz their IT teacher was in class while we introduced them to Gmail, Google docs & Google Scholar to them. There were definitely a few who were ahead of the rest and were almost off their seats asking questions while the rest patiently listened to us. It was agreat experience. I wish we could've done something more for their computer lab - they still used run down big huge PCs half of them wouldn't work.

After our session, we headed back to the office for a final run through tomorrow's event - Women's Entrepreneur Day! The team sat up late night to get the final brochures, print outs  & presentations ready.

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